Comic legend Mel Brooks dropped the Hollywood actress Whoopi Goldberg from the 1991 movie Life Stinks because then he would have to kiss her on screen.
Brooks was in New York promoting his new play Young Frankenstein when he related the Goldberg story,a website reported.
Apparently, his co-writer Rudy De Luca had said, "She’s funny, she’s sassy -- she may be perfect for the role."
Brooks agreed till De Luca grinningly said, "But you know, Mel, you’ll have to make out with her at the end."
A shocked Brooks replied, "Couldn’t I just kiss her hand for $2.5 million?" Brooks admitted that it was the fear of having to kiss her that led him to instead cast Lesley Ann Warren.
"Though (she was) not funny," he added.
Goldberg would have been paid $3 million for the part.
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