John Abraham and Rahul Bose being the part of creative and sensitive bollywood world was present at 26th November’s terrorist attacked hotel TRIDENT as part of press meet to promote Procam’s Mumbai Marathon 2009. They not only attended the press meet only as part of Marathon Promotion but also expressed their opinion about the future course and activities as to be operable in Mumbai.
John said to the presented press persons, “This place is very relevant. This place where you are standing is very relevant to the attacks…this is one of the places where the hostages were held…I hope this marathon gets a lot more meaning to a lot more people.”Rahul Bose also applauded cause of Marathon and agreed with the views of John, he said, “civilian society to stay together, to challenge the government-this was a failure, what will you do? If you’re about to do something, when, where and how?”