Here are topless pics, allegedly of Rakhi Sawant, on the web, but it looks like the post-swayamvar Rakhi’s not having any of it.
In a recent interview, she had expressed her fears, saying, “On the internet, people have morphed my pictures onto naked bodies.
Elesh (who won Rakhi Ka Swayamvar) is broad minded but I don’t know if he’ll be able to deal with all this.”
It looks like Rakhi’s worst fears have come true - these pictures of her, in which she’s wearing almost nothing, are all over the net. Rakhi herself could not be contacted, but her manager did respond. “What are you saying?” asked Rakhi’s manager, Manoj Karnavar. “I’ve been working with Rakhi for the past six years and there have been no such cases. We’ve not done any shoot for this men’s magazine, as the news reports suggest,” he added.
But hasn’t Rakhi herself said that there may be such pictures of her on the net? “Yes, morphed pics are a possibility,” he said.
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