Relaxing after his first home production doing so well, Saif Ali Khan seems to have been talking sensibly now. Saif confides that he has been much influenced by his father Nawab Pataudi.
Saif confesses of his secret dream and says “I want to lead the life my father (Mansoor Ai Khan Pataudi) does. He has been top of his game but he knew when to walk away and how much of it to take seriously.”
He adds, “I absolutely adore his approach towards life. Not many know that my father has been the strongest influence on me. He is a tiger and it has always been his rules that he lived by.”
Saif even goes ahead to try and patch up with Shahid, with whom he had a rift and even Saif went ahead to patch up with Kareena’s ex-flame. He says “I have only heard good things about Shahid, from others and also from Kareena.”
Seems that the actor turned producer has taken to nonviolence now.
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