CID Officials has handed over the decoded cockpit voice recorder messages to the state government, on Tuesday. According to their report the Air Traffic Control at Hyderabad and Chennai failed to respond to the S.O.S. sent by the pilots. Both the ATCs which were supposed to ensure the safest route for the CM’s chopper has shown gross negligence in assisting the pilot and not responded timely to the distressed calls sent by the pilot, which claimed five lives.
According to cock pit voice recordings, the five people abroad, including late Chief Minister Dr.Y.S. Rajashekar Reddy has spent very horrible moments of their life before meeting their tragic end. So far, it is told that late Chief Minister was asleep when the chopper crashed and he was died before knowing about the crash. But, the cock pit voice recorder reveals otherwise. It reveals that all the five men who lost their lives were fully conscious before meeting their death.
Often, the negligence shown by some people claims the lives of others. Still, no one including the government takes a serious action against those who are responsible, and do not learn lessons from the mistakes. Either it maybe Panjagutta Fly-Over case, or a Delhi Metro Rail accident, or the present Swine-Flu epidemic, whatever may be the case, the seriousness simply disappears after a week or in a month time. Again, the same mistakes repeated and claims lives of many more. But, no one think about it except the victim’s families.
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