Recently, Fardeen Khan’s lady neighbour was troubled by few men, claiming to be security guards of a builder. According to sources, the builder for a long time was pestering the lady, Niloufer Kapadia, to sell her house to him. But this 60 year one was not willing to do so as she was living there for around 40 years. Following which the builder resorted to other ways to get her out of the place, like cutting her water and power supply.
This time, the builder’s men refrained Kapadia from parking her car in her usual place and even tried to bully her. She immediately sought help from her neighbour, Akbar Khan, Fardeen’s uncle.
Later in the course of the commotion, Fardeen too joined in. the actor tried to reason out their illegal actions and offered Kapadia to move her car to his house’s basement. But the builder’s men refused to let him bring the car in and some twenty-five people started banging on the car to stop it. “A furious altercation followed, the builder’s driver put his hand inside the car and tried to forcibly take the keys out of the ignition. Fardeen got very angry at this and he, Akbar Khan and I decided to go the cops to file an FIR; Fardeen stayed with us for four hours until the police registered our complaint,” recounted Kapadia. Source
The Santacruz Police has charged three people under Section 341 and Section 323 of the IPC for wrongful restraint and assault
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