In his early days as a model John Abraham had even walked the ramp in a lehenga! The macho actor said though some in the audience were taken aback at his outfit, he is grateful to the designer Mona Lamba who gave him the opportunity in 2000.
"I remember walking the ramp in a lehenga you (Mona of the designer duo MonaPali) had designed. As I was walking I saw some in the audience loved it, while others were a bit taken aback. But thank you madam, for giving me the opportunity in my early days as a model," John told reporters here.
He was in town to unveil the logo of the first ever Kolkata Fashion and Lifestyle Week.
Commenting on his fashion statement, he said: "For me, the best fashion is the one I am comfortable with."
John has no favourite designers, but said: "Among Kolkata designers Sabyasachi (Mukherjee) is brilliant."
Encouraging the young designers, he said: "You all have a long way to go. Remember, fashion is not about actors who wear your dresses, but about the dress itself.
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