Do You Need a Pregnancy Calendar?
This article will outline two different types of pregnancy calendars. One type is used by those couples who are wishing to conceive. In this pregnancy calendar, one tracks the days during which each component of the couple is most fertile. The other pregnancy calendar is one used to track the forty weeks of pregnancy and what is expected to or what has occurred during each day of that time period.Trying to Conceive
Parents who are trying to conceive may choose to track the woman’s menstrual cycle on a pregnancy calendar to identify her most fertile days and, on that same calendar, may track a variety of other factors that could heighten the chance toward pregnancy. If a woman has a regular cycle, usually, it is easy to find out when she will be most fertile. It is simply a matter of counting forward a specific set of days after the woman’s last period. This can easily be tracked on this pregnancy calendar. However, even beyond this inclusion, the hopeful parents may choose to track a variety of other contributing factors.On this pregnancy calendar, the couple may choose to track health habits that could help their cause. For instance, if the future father imbibes alcohol, they may choose to track his intake to ensure that it does not interfere with his sterility. Also, the mother may like to exercise. It may be a good idea to monitor her habits in this arena to study how this might be altering her menstrual cycle, her sexual appetite or any other of a variety of things, and such a pregnancy calendar is perfect for such notes.
Once Pregnant
Couples who have achieved success, may choose to keep track of the pregnancy on a pregnancy calendar. Many things can be tracked in this pregnancy calendar so the parents-to-be can reflect memorably and fondly on the pregnancy at a later time. A parent may like to look back on this calendar and remember the first time the baby kicked, the first time they could see the wiggly baby from outside the mother’s tummy or even the times when the mom had heartburn!
Couples may also like to keep track of medical-related issues or simply pregnancy-related body changes for various reasons. On this pregnancy calendar, the parents may like to note, for instance, the measurements of the belly during each stage of growth. Of, perhaps, they may want to keep track of any bouts of ailments such as indigestion or nausea. There are many things to keep track of and observe that can be written into a pregnancy calendar.
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