Hollywood scriptwriters’ strike - producers bring in Indian writers: everything’s Bollywood now!
In a desperate effort to avoid loss of advertising revenues, dozens of Indians have been drafted in by producers to replace striking Hollywood scriptwriters. Some dramas will have new plot lines. The season premiere of Lost will open with leading character Jack marrying island sweetheart Kate, performing a 20 minute dance with his wife at the Taj Mahal and then in Switzerland,
The episode finishes with Sun giving birth to the reincarnated spirit of Jack, named Rahul and played by actor Shah Rukh Khan, Meanwhile, Hurley turns out to be an Indian police inspector who pretended to win the lottery in order to infiltrate a gang of smugglers coincidentally led by Ben. In Desperate Housewives, all the female characters stop sleeping around and start cooking chapattis, except for Edie. Gabbie throws away her skimpy dresses and adorns a white saree in respect for her dead husband Victor. One of the new writers drafted in from Mumbai told us:"The scripts will definitely be a hit They are too good."
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