Rahman who has been working hard for Shree Ashtavinayak’s Akshay Kumar and Sanjay Dutt starrer Blue wants nothing but the best music for the film. This being the very reason that Rahman called upon Farhan Akhtar to record a song for Zayed Khan in the movie. The composer had recently said at the recent promotional event of Blue, ’Farhan’s voice and attitude both symbolise Zayed’s character in the film and this being the reason I called him upon for the song.’
But Farhan who is busy with his upcoming projects has no time to record for Rahman, a source close to the actor said, "Farhan is busy with his next film Karthik Calling Karthik for which many portions are still to be shot and right after that he has Don 2 and right now he has a lot of its pre-production work to get done with. While the song is important to Farhan, he cant leave his prior commitments."
Blue which is Anthony D’souza’s next is a multi crore budget film and has a huge star cast, no stone has been left unturned by the production house in giving the film a global appeal. The trailer initself is no less of a Hollywood action flick but with the number of delays the film has come across in the past (Read: Akshay- Sanjay dispute and Lara’s anger over promotion), can they afford another delay.
Well we hope Farhan’s prior commitments are the reason for the delay not the usual starry airs that some actor’s tend to get after a couple of successes, what say eh?
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