A film belonging to dance genre, FAST FORWARD stars Rehan Khan in lead. While there is a leading lady opposite Rehan Khan/Akshay Kapoor in the film, not many are aware that there is a young woman, Bhavna Pani, who plays Rehan’s sister in the film. What makes the on-screen sibling pairing special for Rehan and Bhavna is the fact that even in real life, they are ’rakhi’ brother and sister.
’’True, Bhavna Pani plays my sister in the film and both of us have a great track running for us’’, says Rehan who was last seen in a small but important role in AWARAPAN, ’’In any case it was very comfortable for both of us to be playing siblings in the film since in real life we have known each other since I was a 2 year old. We have been ’rakhi’ brother and sister.’’
How about the female lead in the film, Sabina Sheema? Who is she paired opposite - Rehan or Akshay?
’’Well, Sabina is the suspense element in the film and you would know after watching the film that whether she was opposite me or Akshay’’, Rehan isn’t willing to reveal much here, ’’On a different note, I have to admit that she is a fabulous dancer and so is Bhavna.’’
Since the film also stars Akshay Kapoor (POPCORN KHAO MAST JO JAAYO, ALAG) in the lead, how does their on screen relationship look like? Do they play friends who come together for a band or are they rivals?
’’Akshay and I are poor boys from Nalasopara while Siddhant (the third male protagonist in the film) is one rich guy from Worli. So it’s like this ’rich gang going against the poor gang’ thing going on. Yes, the film has a dance base to it and the rivalry would of course be a highlight of the entire drama’’, details Rehan.
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